UPVC Windows

  • Benefits of double glazed windows Peterborough

What is uPVC and why use this for Double glazing Windows?

What is uPVC and why use this for Double glazing Windows? When purchasing double glazing windows and doors it is extremely important to understand the right window and door style, frame and material used. UPVC otherwise known as unpasteurised polyvinyl chloride, is an extremely low maintenance window material, which is manufactured to replicate a

  • Types of Double Glazing Window Frames Peterborough

Which window material is best? Comparing all double glazed materials

Which window material is best? Comparing all double glazed materials As per all double glazed window projects, the better knowledge you have regarding the different types of window materials, the better the outcome for the project. Double glazed window technologies have improved tremendously over the last decade, so we have included some of these

  • Replacement Double Glazing Peterborough

Double Glazing Trends for 2020

Double Glazing Trends for 2020 Double glazed windows and doors are becoming extremely popular with modern trends such as; large windows with less frame to the return of the sliding patio doors. This is why we at Peterborough windows and doors have decided to put some of the biggest double glazed windows and doors

  • Green Composite Doors

Will your windows and doors protect you from unwanted guests?

How secure is your property? Will your windows and doors protect you from unwanted guests? Could you be certain that your windows and doors will protect your home against a burglar? If you are not then you need to keep reading! When it comes to home security this should be one of your highest

  • Affordable Double Glazing Peterborough

Replacement Double Glazing Peterborough / Stamford

Replacement Double Glazing Peterborough / Stamford We were asked to replace a full house of double glazed windows, front door with side screen and uPVC back door. The current windows were wooden frames which were quite dated approximately 1970s. There was only a 4mm gap between the glass which does not exceed todays building

Windows-Doors-Peterborough2019-06-25T12:02:13+00:00Tags: , |0 Comments
  • UPVC Windows Peterborough

7 Signs indicating that it’s time to change your windows

7 Signs indicating that it’s time to change your windows Have you are ever wondering whether you need replacement windows, or not? A complete home makeover replacing all of the windows can be a huge investment, so it would be sensible to choose the correct double glazing company. If you are aware that your