Top Double Glazing Ideas
Over the last couple of years double glazing trends have emerged. With many new television programs advertising home improvements. The nation has went wild on how they can improve their property with the latest double glazing developments. We have therefore put together five of the hottest double glazing tendencies that will enhance the look of any home.
Aluminium Windows
Aluminium windows have now become the number 1 in the latest double glazing development. Aluminium windows have made a huge come back when it comes to residential properties. These double glazed windows have many benefits over its arrivals such as; durability, extreme low maintenance, Eco-friendly, also not forgetting its overall beauty. Aluminium double glazing is not only used for windows, it can be used for bi-fold doors and French doors too.
Aluminium bi-folding doors have become exceedingly widespread due to their ability to divide a room, or open an outside living space. Aluminium double glazing has the ability to bring the outside garden to the inside, providing an outstanding panoramic view. Aluminium windows offer outstanding value for money. Aluminium is notorious as the most expensive for of double glazing on the market, however the benefits easily out way the extra cost. Aluminium double glazing is extremely strong, this makes it less prone to warping. Aluminium glazing can withstand any weather condition, so there is no need to repaint this double glazing. Aluminium glazing is much more durable than its adversaries ensuring that it will maintain its shape and function over a long period of time.
Aluminium has become the main source of double glazing when it comes to supplying glazing for businesses or commercial buildings.
Coloured Double Glazing
Double glazing profiles had previously been offered in a small basic range of colours. With the latest technologies double glazing is now available in a huge variety of colour themes, with over 20 different colours in uPVC and near enough unlimited colour range of aluminium. Previously window frames were only offered in either white or brown. One of the main reasons why Aluminium double glazing has become so popular is that aluminium can be easily sprayed to the widest array of colours. Customers are now choosing their own custom colours, including a different colour inside to outside. This ensures that their double glazing looks unique and appealing.
Sash Windows
Sash windows are mostly known as the window type found on periodic properties. Sash windows were typically timber and not until recently been easily sourced for replacement double glazing. Timber glazing were previously very costly to replace and with the poor insulated timber frames, warranted this glazing as very costly and ineffective. Yet, with new revolutionary technologies, we have seen amazing things in the sash windows double glazing industry. We can offer a traditional looking window, but in a more modern material, offering energy efficiency.
We now offer double glazed sash windows in a solid weather-tight profile. The window not only looks good, but maintains the style of the original timber look. Sash windows are available in uPVC or aluminium, with trends increasing for coloured Sash double glazing frames.
Composite Front Doors
Composite front doors have become the most popular form of door on the market. These composite doors are extremely affordable, strong, durable, not forgetting eco-friendly, certifying that they are the number 1 choice of doors when looking for double glazing improvements. Composite doors are available in any colour to match existing double glazed windows in your property. With a huge assortment of door styles and designs to choose from too. Composite doors will help to soundproof your home, keeping out unwanted noise. Composite doors are ideal for home security, keeping out burglars, making this ideal door when looking for double glazing improvements.
Triple Glazing
When it comes to triple glazing it becomes very controversial as many double glazing companies believe that triple glazing can be very expensive while not offering many additional benefits in return. If we compare the difference between double glazings and triple glazing there are some slight benefits, such additional heat retention and reduced heat loss especially in north facing rooms. Triple glazing prices have reduced significantly allowing the triple glazing industry to become more competitive.
Conservatories with lantern Roofs
Conservatories have once again become extremely popular, with double glazed conservatories and extension. Conservatories and extensions are now being built with lantern roofs, especially when a home requires additional light as these lanterns infiltrate and maximises light source. Lantern roofs are extremely strong, energy efficient not forgetting very stylish.
Double glazing trends have become extremely popular over the recent years. Customers are no longer settling with boring double glazing products and are now looking to enhance the modern look of their home. If you require any additional information on double glazing trends and modern style doors and windows, then please don’t hesitate in contacting us.
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