Aluminium Doors

  • Double Glazing Trends Peterborough

The latest 2021 double glazing trends that you need to know!

The latest 2021 double glazing trends that you need to know! No home improvements or project can be complete without featuring beautiful double glazing in some form. From energy efficient double glazed windows to aluminium bifold doors, or even a stunning lantern roof. All of these double glazed products maximise the natural light into

  • Replacement Double Glazing Peterborough

Double Glazing Trends for 2020

Double Glazing Trends for 2020 Double glazed windows and doors are becoming extremely popular with modern trends such as; large windows with less frame to the return of the sliding patio doors. This is why we at Peterborough windows and doors have decided to put some of the biggest double glazed windows and doors

  • Aluminium Windows and Doors Peterborough

Aluminium Products that we Install and Manufacture

Aluminium Products that we Install and Manufacture. Peterborough Windows & Doors have noticed that aluminium windows and doors are gaining popularity throughout the home improvement world. Aluminium windows and doors have become extremely popular not just within the commercial complexes but within the home environments also. Many homeowners now understand the performance that aluminium

  • Double Glazing Peterborough

Top Double Glazing Ideas

Top Double Glazing Ideas Over the last couple of years double glazing trends have emerged. With many new television programs advertising home improvements. The nation has went wild on how they can improve their property with the latest double glazing developments. We have therefore put together five of the hottest double glazing tendencies that

  • Aluminium Windows and Doors Peterborough

Aluminium windows and doors are extremely popular!

Aluminium windows and doors are extremely popular! Over the recent few years aluminium windows and doors are become impressively popular throughout Peterborough, Stamford and Cambridge areas. Our aluminium manufacturer offers homeowners the very best style aluminium windows with the performance and light entry to match. So it’s not surprising that more and more house

Windows-Doors-Peterborough2018-08-19T18:11:20+00:000 Comments
  • SMART Aluminium Windows and Doors Peterborough

SMART Aluminium Windows and Doors Peterborough

Why choose SMART Aluminium Windows and Doors The SMART system has over 35 years’ experience as a leading aluminium manufacturer and supplier of aluminium windows and door systems within the UK. As a trusted aluminium manufacturer, we at Peterborough Doors choose to use this system via our local Peterborough fabricators.  We take pride in

Windows-Doors-Peterborough2018-02-22T21:07:59+00:000 Comments