Aluminium Windows Peterborough

Why Choose Aluminium Windows and Doors

When choosing replacement windows and doors for your Peterborough home, you only want the best. This means installation of windows and doors that perform well without compromising aesthetics, then aluminium windows is the ideal window system.

Aluminium Frame Windows

Aluminium is an extremely durable material, allowing you to install extremely large windows and doors without bulky frames. Aluminium frames are narrower than uPVC windows, they also provide a lot more windows too. Maximising the glass area, enhancing the overall view.

Aluminium Windows are Reliable

Aluminium do not expand and contract like uPVC windows in the variant temperature. This makes aluminium a preferred choice for windows, doors, bifold doors, sliding patio doors and folding patio doors.

More Choice with Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows have literally hundreds of different colours and finishes, you can even have a different colour inside than outside your window or door. The window and door finishes are extremely robust and modern, they are also minimal maintenance.

Aluminium Windows Provide Energy Savings

Aluminium windows are top of the game when it comes to window designs and thermal break technology, aluminium windows are amongst the best insulated windows and doors on the market.

Aluminium Windows are Environmentally Friendly

Aluminium material can be 100% recycled without loss of quality. Therefore aluminium can be recycled and reused time after time, therefore protecting the environment.