
  • Aluminium Windows and Doors Peterborough

Aluminium windows and doors are extremely popular!

Aluminium windows and doors are extremely popular! Over the recent few years aluminium windows and doors are become impressively popular throughout Peterborough, Stamford and Cambridge areas. Our aluminium manufacturer offers homeowners the very best style aluminium windows with the performance and light entry to match. So it’s not surprising that more and more house

Windows-Doors-Peterborough2018-08-19T18:11:20+00:000 Comments
  • Modern Conservatories Peterborough

What style conservatory best suits you?

What style conservatory best suits you? Whether you are looking for a conservatory that offers a lot more space, or maybe you need a cosier conservatory which will feel a lot more homely. If you cannot decide which conservatory to choose from, Peterborough Doors have put together this blog to help you decide which

Windows-Doors-Peterborough2018-08-14T18:06:00+00:002 Comments
  • Double Glazing with Integral Blinds Peterborough

Integral Blinds for Double Glazing, Patio doors and Bi-folding Doors

Integral Blinds for Double Glazing, Patio doors and Bi-folding Doors Integral blinds have been increasing popular within Peterborough Stamford and Cambridgeshire, due the benefits that they offer. These blinds are sealed within two panes of glass, so they will never need to be cleaned, as they are fully protected from dust and outside elements.

Windows-Doors-Peterborough2018-08-12T13:16:22+00:000 Comments
  • Different types of Conservatory roofs Peterborough

What are the different types of conservatory roofs?

What are the different types of conservatory roofs? When we consider the different types of conservatory roof, the best option depends on what you need to achieve, not forgetting your budget and type and location of your conservatory. One of the most popular types of conservatory roof is glass, as this allows lots of

Windows-Doors-Peterborough2018-02-24T13:05:05+00:002 Comments
  • Energy Efficient Windows Peterborough

Which energy efficient windows are best for an eco-friendly home?

Which energy efficient windows are best for an eco-friendly home? You want to buy energy efficient windows, but you are not sure whether you require double glazing, secondary glazing or triple glazing, Low-E coating windows, PVCu or wooden window frames. Also how does the solar gain work? We will now bring some clearness and

  • Bespoke UPVC Conservatory Peterborough

Buying a Conservatory

Buying a Conservatory Conservatories are extremely popular throughout Peterborough, East Anglia. Sitting in your conservatory on a comfortable chair watching TV or reading a good book on a nice summer’s day, could never be so perfect. The warmth from the conservatory provides a more of a Mediterranean feeling, with the sun beating down on